

4 May, 1966

S.D.G.S. College, Hindupur

TEL:+91 9441669533


  1. G.Bhojappa BOS Chairmen (UG Programme, S.K. University, Ananthapuramu)
  2. Convenor and member in different institutional committees



S.No Orientation / Refresher Courses Organised by Year
01 Orientation Course ASC, Bangalore University, Bangalore 28.01.2002 to 23.02.2002
02 Refresher Course in Botany ASC, Barathiar University, Coimbatore 13.09.2002 to 03.10.2002
03 Refresher Course in Life Sciences ASC, Mysore University, Mysore 07.01.2004 to 27.01.2004
04 Refresher Course in Bio Technology RC – S.K. University, Ananthapuramu 19.10.2005 to 08.11.2005
05 Faculty Development Programme ASC, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad



S.No Programme Organised by Date
01 Electrophoretic and Culture Techniques (Department of Life Sciences) Govt. College, Ananthapuramu 10.04.2014
02 National Workshop – Ethno Botany Traditional Knowledge – Access and Benefit Sharing SPW College, Tirupati 01.09.2014 to 03.09.2014
03 Workshop on Mushroom Cultivation Department of Botany ,

SV University, Tirupati

12.11.2014 to 13.11.2014
04 National Symposium on Natural Products and Bio Diversity – Our Insurance for the Future (Paper Presented) Govt. College for Men Kurnool and Science and Tech. Foundation Bangalore 12.12.2014
05 Lecture Workshop on Recent Advances in Plant Taxonomy, Conservation and Ethno Biology Department of Botany, SSBN Degree College, (Autonomous) Ananthapuramu 14.12.2016 to 15.12.2016
06 National Symposium on

Prospectus and Potentials in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Department of Botany Govt College, Ananthapuramu(A) and Science Tech. Foundation Bangalore 19.12.2015
07 National Seminar on Bio-Diversity, Conservation, Emerging Trends and Challenges Department of Zoology, Govt College, Ananthapuramu(A) and UGC 05.10.2017 to 06.10.2017
08 National Conference on Academia Digital Transformation (Challenges and Opportunities) IQAC, SSBN Degree College, (Autonomous) Ananthapuramu 15.12.2017 to 16.12.2017
09 National Conference on Strategizing Teaching Learning for Quality Enhancement and Sustenance Sindhi College, Bangalore with Association of NAAC, Bangalore 22.03.2019 to 23.03.2019


Research activities of Faculty: –                               0 (Nil)