The department of POLITICAL SCIENCE was established in 1993. Since its inception the department has proved its mettle as a component of this magnificent college. The department has served its purpose very well. Thousands of well qualified students have been trained.. They formed excellent human resources of the nation.
- Name of the Department : Department of POLITICAL SCI
- Year of Establishment : 1993
The Staff who worked for this department:
Photo | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | No of Years of Experience | Profile |
Sri.S SATYA NARAYANA | Associate Professor | MA.,
POLITICAL SCIENCE | 18 | Click here | |
I Year I Semester Paper – I: Basic Concepts of Political Science
- To understand the nature, scope and importance of Political Science.
- To enhance the knowledge of different approaches of Political Science.
- To gain knowledge about different theories of origin, evolution and development of state.
- To equip with the knowledge of terms like Nationality, Nationalism and Nation.
- To gain the knowledge of different theories and kinds of rights.
- To equip with the sufficient knowledge of different Political concepts like Citizenship, Freedom, Equality and Justice.
I Year II Semester Paper – II: Political Science: Concepts theories and Institutions
- To understand the need of Constitutional law.
- To gain the deep knowledge of theory of separation of powers.
- To understand and analyze the Unitary and Federal form of Government.
- To have throughout knowledge of Democratic form of government.
- To analyze the concepts of judicial review.
II Year III Semester Paper – III: Indian Constitution
- To gain deep knowledge of Indian National Movement at different stages.
- To understand very composition and working principles of Constituent Assembly.
- To thoroughly discuss the features of the Indian Constitution.
- To expose the unitary and federal features of the Indian constitution.
- To understand thoroughly the relations between and union and state government.
II Year IV Semester Paper – IV: Indian Political Process
- To thoroughly understand the process of modernization and its causes in India.
- To gain knowledge of Karl Marx’s perception of transition of society from pre-capitalism to capitalism.
- To understand various theories of caste and it’s ever change role.
- To deep analyze the plight of down trodden community of Indian society
- To know communalistic tensions between two religious of India.
- To understand the nature, types and kinds of Indian party system, election process and different election outcomes.
III Year V Semester Paper – V: Indian Political Thought
- To understand sources of Indian Political thought.
- To gain the knowledge of ideas of Manu regarding the Indian society.
- To deeply understand the Kautilyas perception of the state.
- To understand various reforms designed by Raja Ram Mohan Ray.
- To deep analyze the ideology of Rama Bhais gender theories.
- To learn the realistic ideas of Dadabhai Nouroji regarding poverty.
- To approaches ideas of different national leaders on different issues of India.
III Year V Semester Paper – VI: Western Political Thought
- To understand different concepts likeDemocracy, Justice, Citizenship with help of ideology of Plato and Aristotle.
- To understand the medieval and modern thoughts.
- To gain the knowledge of political ideas of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Rousseau.
- To understand the theories of utilitarianism propounded by Jeremy Bentham and ideas of J.S.Mill.
- To understand Hegel’s perception on freedom, civil society and state.
- To thoroughly understand the theories of Karl Marx.
III Year VI Semester Paper – VII: Principles of Public Administration
- To understand the meaning, nature, scope and importance of Public Administration.
- To gain the knowledge of factors which different public and private administration.
- To achieve knowledge Elton Mayo’s Human Relation Theories and decision making theories of Simon.
- To understand concepts like hierarchy, span of control and leadership.
- To gain the knowledge of the structure of organization.
- To understand the different theories of Abraham Maslow
- To appreciate the theories of X and Y by Douglas MC Gegor.
III Year VI Semester Paper – VIII: Comparative constitutionalism U K USA (Cluster Elective)
- To understand the Constitutionalism of UK, USA.
- To analyze comparative study Legislature f UK USA.
- To know the executive structure of UK USA.
- To know about comparative analysis of judiciary of U K,
III Year VI Semester Paper – IX: Human Rights in comparative perspective (Cluster Elective)
- To have an idea on human rights Student is able to understand universal declaration of human
- To know about discrimination based on birth USA,
- To have an idea on Amnesty International.
III Year VI Semester Paper – X: Political Sociology (Cluster Elective)
- To have more idea on political modernization.
- To know about political culture.
- To have an idea on political socialization and agencies of socialization family media education.
- To have knowledge on political.